Equinor Energy AS has awarded OCTIO an exclusive contract for gravimetric monitoring on the Norwegian continental shelf. The contract has an initial duration of five years, with an option of additional four years.
For these surveys, OCTIO will be utilizing gWatch, the new generation of seabed gravimetry equipment. gWatch was introduced in 2018 for the surveys of the Ormen Lange and Aasta Hansteen fields, and features more compact instruments, improved survey efficiency and unprecedented data quality.
Gravimetry measurements at the seabed are used by oil companies to monitor fluid movements within hydrocarbon reservoirs. This information contributes to a more efficient reservoir management, and therefore to make hydrocarbon production more efficient in terms of both cost and environmental impact.
An improved quality in the measurement of gravity makes these benefits available for a wider variety of fields, and allows taking measures aimed to optimizing production at earlier stages of the hydrocarbon field lifetime.

gWatch instrumentation mounted on the ROV during 2018 operations